CMHC’s First-Time Home Buyer Incentive is Ending 

CMHC’s First-Time Home Buyer Incentive is Ending

The Canadian housing market has undergone significant changes in recent years and encountered various challenges.  

One key initiative to assist first-time homebuyers was introducing the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).  

However, this popular program is now ending.  

What is the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI)? 

What is the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive? 

The First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) was introduced by the Canadian government in September 2019 as part of its effort to make homeownership more affordable, particularly for first-time buyers.  

Administered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the FTHBI aimed to help first-time homebuyers by providing them with an interest-free loan to help reduce their monthly mortgage payments. 

Under the FTHBI, eligible first-time homebuyers could apply for a shared equity mortgage with the CMHC.  

The CMHC would then provide a loan of up to 5% of the home’s purchase price for a resale home or 10% for a newly constructed home.  

This loan would go towards the down payment, effectively reducing the mortgage amount and the monthly payments required. 

One of the unique features of the FTHBI was that the loan from CMHC was interest-free, and the repayment of the loan was based on the fair market value of the property at the time of repayment. 

Homebuyers were not required to make ongoing payments on the loan, but rather repay it when they sold the property or after 25 years, whichever came first. 

How Has the FTHBI Impacted the Housing Market? 

FTHBI Impacted the Housing Market?

Since its introduction, the FTHBI has had a significant impact on the Canadian housing market, particularly in cities where housing affordability is a major concern.  

Here are some of the keyways in which the FTHBI has influenced the housing market: 

1. Increased Affordability 

The FTHBI has helped make homeownership more affordable for many first-time buyers by reducing their monthly mortgage payments. This has allowed more Canadians to enter the housing market, particularly in cities where home prices are high relative to incomes. 

2. Stimulated Demand 

The FTHBI has also stimulated demand in the housing market, particularly for newly constructed homes. By providing first-time buyers with access to interest-free loans for their down payments, the FTHBI has encouraged more people to consider purchasing a home. 

3. Supported New Construction 

The FTHBI has been particularly beneficial for the new construction market, as it provided additional support for homebuilders and developers. The availability of interest-free loans for first-time buyers has made it easier for developers to sell newly constructed homes, helping to stimulate activity in the construction sector. 

4. Mixed Impact on Prices 

While the FTHBI has helped make homeownership more affordable for many Canadians, it has also had the unintended consequence of pushing up home prices in some markets. In cities where demand was already strong, the FTHBI has contributed to increased competition for homes, leading to higher prices. 

Why is the FTHBI Ending? 

FTHBI Ending? 

Despite its initial success, the FTHBI is now ending. The decision to end the program was announced by the federal government as part of its efforts to cool the housing market.  

It addresses concerns about rising home prices. While the FTHBI was successful in helping many first-time buyers enter the market.  

It also contributed to increased demand and rising prices, particularly in cities like Toronto and Vancouver. 

The decision to end the FTHBI reflects the government’s concerns about the long-term sustainability of the housing market and its desire to prevent a housing bubble.  

By ending the program, the government hopes to moderate demand in the housing market and prevent further price escalation. 

What Does the End of the FTHBI Mean for First-Time Home Buyers? 

The end of the FTHBI will have significant implications for first-time homebuyers across Canada. Here are some of the key implications: 

1. Reduced Affordability 

The end of the FTHBI means that many first-time buyers will no longer have access to interest-free loans to help reduce their monthly mortgage payments. This could make homeownership less affordable for many Canadians, particularly in markets where home prices are high relative to incomes. 

2. Increased Competition 

With the end of the FTHBI, competition for homes is likely to increase as first-time buyers compete for a limited supply of properties. It could push up home prices even further, making it even more difficult for first-time buyers to enter the market. 

3. Shift in Priorities 

The end of the FTHBI may also lead to a shift in priorities for first-time buyers, who may now have to focus on saving for a larger down payment to afford a home. It could delay homeownership for many Canadians, particularly those who are already struggling to save for a down payment. 

4. Impact on New Construction 

The end of the FTHBI is likely to have a significant impact on the new construction market, as developers may now face reduced demand for newly constructed homes. It could lead to a slowdown in construction activity and job losses in the construction sector. 


The end of the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) marks the end of an era for first-time homebuyers in Canada.  

While the program was successful in helping many Canadians achieve their dream of homeownership, its discontinuation reflects the government’s concerns about the long-term sustainability of the housing market.  

As the housing market continues to evolve, it’s more important than ever for first-time buyers to carefully consider their options and make informed decisions about their home purchases. 

If you want to invest in pre-construction homes in Mississauga, it allows buyers to customize their dream home.  

You can enjoy modern features, and potentially benefit from long-term appreciation. With prime locations, these homes offer the perfect blend of urban amenities and suburban tranquility. 

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